A regional meeting took place on Septembre 15th with the participation of the schools of Corporación Minuto de Dios (CEMID).
CEMID has been working since December 2014 in alliance with Genesis Foundation and Fundación Corona to implement Papabrario & Numerario in 15 of its educational institutions in the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Valledupar, Tumaco, Villavicencio, Soacha, Madrid, Tabio, Tenjo and Bogota.
During the regional event teachers presented their significant experiences, highlighting the changes that the program has achieved in the classroom. Different strategies showed how Palabrario & Numerario involves the educational community to strengthen literacy skills in students. Teachers presented and shared their know how they have due t the process of formation and accompaniment that happened during the year.
During 2016, strategies will be implemented focusing to strengthen logical mathematical thinking of students.
