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Nutritional Evaluation

Foto del escritor: AdminAdmin

Actualizado: 27 jun 2018

For the first time, the Genesis Foundation is partnering with Fundación Éxito and CES University in Medellín to conduct a nutritional evaluation for the beneficiaries of the Early Childhood Program: First Learning Steps.

The evaluation aims to measure over 10 months, if 200 pregnant mothers and 143 children under 2 years of age benefited with the program, have managed to eradicate chronic malnutrition and other types of malnutrition.

To this end, nutritional supplements will be delivered to the population that contain vitamins, milk, and other essential ingredients to improve the indicators of malnutrition found in this type of population.

The results of this evaluation will be key inputs to continue improving the quality of the early childhood care in Colombia.




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