Genesis Foundation and Fundaciones Ramírez Moreno made an alliance to renew the pedagogical environments and improve quality of the early childhood attention program: First Learning Steps-FLS.
This project was implemented in vulnerable areas of Magdalena and Tumaco with the objective of strengthening the comprehensive care of girls and boys, giving them tools for their interactions every day and the elements they need to explore the physical, social and cultural world, in order to gain confidence in themselves and in the main people of their daily context.

The project was developed in 3 stages: enlistment, implementation and monitoring. These allowed Genesis to make a rigorous evaluation of the results. The impact in Magdalena’s department reached 2.327 kids and adults; while in Tumaco, the figure increased to 2.575 persons.
¡Thanks to the Fundaciones Ramírez Moreno for helping us to create new learning experiences!