In June 2017, the alliance between APC-Colombia, Mercy Corps and the Genesis Foundation for Children was formalize to implement, strengthen and expand the program: Education and Peace: country vision.
This alliance was establish in 2016 through a Counterpart Agreement, which ended on December 2016 with successful results in four departments of Colombia. In 2017, the program seeks to continue with the Program “Education and Peace: Country Vision”, to improve the quality of education and promote comprehensive protection by benefiting 31,326 adolescent girls, 2090 parents and 1009 teachers in 31 educational establishments and 21 boarding schools Of four departments of the country: Chocó, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Putumayo.
Within the framework of this alliance, Genesis Foundation is carrying out the program "Palabrario & Numerario" in quality education, a program that seeks to foster logical thinking in mathematics and the progress of reading and writing skills and to develop Problem-solving ability of students. We are strengthening the implementation in Antioquia and Valle del Cauca in the municipalities of Envigado, Caucasia, Itagüí, Turbo, Apartado and Buenaventura.
Within the framework of this alliance, Mercy Corps is carrying out the program "With Peace Learn More" financed by the Government of Canada in consortium with War Child Netherlands. This program takes place in Putumayo and Chocó, and aims to build a future free of violence, for children and adolescents, through two fundamental axes: improving the quality of education and promoting comprehensive protection in the school (as a protective environment) with an ethnic and gender approach.