Palabrario & Numerario
The program in figures:
students and 1.729 teachers benefited in 94 Educational Institutions.
6 allies
Palabrario & Numerario has foundations, universities and public entities as allies in different departments.

The program is implemented in
27 municipalities, in 10 departments of Colombia.
Why is Palabrarario & Numerario born?
Despite the important progress made with children receiving formal education, the crisis in the quality learning continues to be a critical issue worldwide. According to UNESCO, there are currently 250 million children at primary school age, in school or out of school, who lack the basic skills for reading and writing. Even though the National Government efforts, the results in the national and international standardized tests remain low.
According to the Newsletter Saber en Breve, in its 21st edition from August 2017, the national outcomes show that 54% of the students are below the satisfactory level in language learning. Although children understand short and simple texts, they show difficulty to recognize information that is not explicit and much greater difficulty to relate contents of different texts, distinguish similar or opposite points of view, and take an argued position.
Therefore, Palabrarario & Numerario program pretends to contribute in the mathematical thinking qualification and the reading and writing skill development from the beginning of elementary school, in such a way that it would be able to boost children's abilities, create a positive disposition for mathematical knowledge and also promote their recognition as human beings capable of learning, participating and actively transforming this world.

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Genesis Foundation
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Ofice 702
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